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While the communique only referenced recruiting volunteer agents in Florida, it indicated that the program is a nationwide initiative. 18, the email was sent by Jose Soto, a corporate responsibility analyst for State Farm in Florida, and in addition to promoting the company’s partnership with the GenderCool Project, it sought to recruit six State Farm insurance agents in Florida to “ these books in March, then them to their community by the end of April.” The GenderCool Project markets the “three book bundle” to children ages 5 and over, a fact noted in the whistleblower email.ĭated Jan. The Washington Examiner was allowed to review the emails, which reveal State Farm collaborated with GenderCool Project, which promotes getting the books into schools:

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Like a creepy neighbor, is there… /mkbCBvE29L The three books, A Kids Book About Being Transgender, A Kids Book About Being Non-Binary, and A Kids Book About Being Inclusive, that promote the narrative that regardless of one’s biological sex, “gender identity” is something children can choose.

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